We live in really cool times. As I write this, we are about to enter a global recession – some are even predicting a depression. Many people are uncertain about the future and reacting to the situation.
I am not.
Because I know that true business never fails.
B: So what is true business?
A: Are you ready for the secret?
B: Yes, I am.
A: I will tell you but you may not hear what I have to say. It’s very simple so pay close attention.
B: Okay, I will.
A: True business listens to what people need and want and provides that.
B: Okay, but there must be more to it than that!
A: Yes there is but that’s where it all begins.
B: How can it be so simple?
A: Once you listen and find out what people say they need and want you will need to analyze your findings, customize your offerings to match what they are requesting – and all of this must be done at the right time, location and price. There really is a science to it.
B: Okay, so hold on, listening?! How can that be?! I mean, don’t we listen to each other? Don’t the businesses that I know listen to their customers? Otherwise, how could they still be in business?
A: We think we are listening to each other – but the reality is very different. The reason for that is because we are not trained to listen to each other. In our research we have discovered that, we are mostly trained to react. And, don’t get me wrong, there are some businesses out there that listen – and those are very successful, but overall listening is missing.
B: I didn’t think about it that way.
A: Right. So let me ask you a different question. How many people do you know?
B: I’m not sure – about 1000.
A: And if you were to look at all of those people in your life, how many would you say have what’s wanted and needed at all times? Including yourself?
B: Well, none of them. We always have more desires…
A: Right, but are they clear about their desires? Are they clear about what they truly want?
B: I am not really sure.
A: Exactly. So we don’t know what’s really needed and wanted for the people that we know – which is really like a small town if you think about it – so if look at the world from this point of view you willl see something very interesting.
B: What’s that?
A: Well, simply multiply that same mindset to millions of people, businesses and even countries around the world and tell me what you see.
B: I see a lot of people not getting what they need and want because nobody is listening!
A: Exactly! So how does this relate to our current economic situation? If you examine what’s happening one of the reasons many businesses are reacting is that they are not operating as a business.
B: So what are they operating as?
A: My guess is they are more of a conditioning mechanism – which is something that conditions a group of people to think that they really need and want something but in reality they don’t. This always becomes an expensive proposition.
B: So you mean, they don’t really listen, they are pretending to listen, and force something on people?
A: Yes. Imagine trying to sell Gucci bags in the middle of the desert. You would have to spend a lot of money on promotion and advertising to make people think they need Gucci bags in the desert.
B: That’s really amazing – because what’s needed and wanted is water!
A: Yes, that’s right! But, by finding out what’s needed and wanted – in business this process is called Research & Development by the way – you can invent whole new products, services and even companies! Looking from this point of view you will see that there aren’t a lot of businesses out there – so your opportunity is remarkable!
B: But where do I start?
A: Start with the 1000 people that you already know. Find out from them what is needed and wanted and provide something to them. If you do it right, you will generate real value for your small town of people. You may be surprised at what you discover.
B: And if I get stuck?
A: Well, you can always call RSC Business Group at 416-929-8415 and we’ll coach you through the process. And if you’re in the USA call us at 310-410-3098.
B: Sounds great. Do you also have a web site?
A: Yes we do. It’s www.WhatDoYouWantToDoNow.com?
B: That’s a very good question!
A: Yes it is – so what do YOU want to do now?
B: Build a business that provides what’s needed and wanted!
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