RSC Core Reading
These books represent the core reading that is recommended for both our clients and interns.
- Anderson, Chris. The Long Tail, The, Revised and Updated Edition: Why the future of selling business is selling less of more. Hyperion, 2007.
- Anderson, Chris. Free: The future of a Radical Price. Hyperion, 2009.
- Gerber, Michael. E-Myth Revisited. Why Most Small Businesses don’t work and what to do about it. HarperCollins, 1995.
- Kelly, Kevin. New Rules for a New Economy: 10 Radical strategies for a connected world. Penguin, 1998
- Logan, Dave, John King and Halee Fischer-Wright. Tribal Leadership: Leveraging natural groups to build a thriving organization. Collins, 2008
- Download the Audiobook for free here
- Rapaille, Clotaire. The Culture Code: an ingenious way to understand why people around the world buy and live as they do. Broadway Books, 2006
- Seidman, Dov. How: Why how we do everything means everything … in business (and in life). Wiley, 2007
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