What it Takes to Be an Executive

What does it take to be a trained executive? We spend most of our lives being trained to be good workers. Our universities train people[…]

Being well enables you to have extra-ordinary results everywhere (part 2)

In part 1 of this 2 part mini-series we presented two models. The first model we shared with you is “Activities, Routines and Practices.” From[…]

Nurture Prospects and Stop Missing Out on 90% of Sales Opportunities

Research suggests that 5 – 10% of prospects are ready to buy right now. Some businesses focus on those ready to buy now and ignore[…]

Being well enables you to have extra-ordinary results everywhere (Part 1)

Being well is your direct access to having extra-ordinary results everywhere. How? We say that a business can be a simple collection of activities, routines[…]

Building a business, brick by brick (A story)

Businesses are all around us, yet very few people, actually know what makes businesses work or how they work. In the story¹ below we will be[…]

Choosing a coach that is right for you: The 7 Levels of Coaching

In almost 23 years of being in the coaching industry and working with over 880 business owners and entrepreneurs, we have noticed many changes in[…]

Business is a team sport! Build your team and figure out your ideal position

Imagine the following scenario. You are playing your favourite team sport (hockey, basketball, volleyball, take your pick). You have had an exceptional season, and reached[…]

The Secret of Sales: Are you making irresistible offers? (part 2 of 2)

Can sales be easy and simple?In part 1 of 2 this mini-series on marketing and sales (click here to read) we covered the importance of[…]

The Secret of Marketing: How many people know that you exist? (Part 1 of 2)

As a small business owner: Have you hired a marketing company to increase sales – and got limited or no sales results? Have you tried[…]

The power of scheduling: Conquer overwhelm and produce results with ease

As an entrepreneur or small business owner/operator do you feel like you just don’t have the time to handle everything you need to? Do things[…]